Tuesday 28 October 2008


Well, I have been tagged.

The rules:

1. Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog. I was tagged by
Sing to your hearts content.

2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog - some random, some weird.

3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blog.

4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

5. If you don't have 7 blog friends, or if someone else already took dibs, then tag some unsuspecting strangers

The 7 facts:

1. New years eve 2000 I spent stuck on shallow water at the river Niger on my way to Timbuktu (Mali, West Africa).

2. I live in a roof-top apartment in Central Copenhagen - rather small by Danish standards, but excessively large by NYC standards..

3. After high-school I spent the summer working in Southern Italy (Calabria) selling pizza´s at a local restaurant and trying to convince customers, that the Coca-Cola we sold them was in fact the real thing and not some home-made cola we just poured in their glasses behind the desk (which of course, it was).

4. My favourite movie of all times: The Lord of the Ring.

5. Right now I read: "Les Bienveillantes" by Jonathan Littell (translated from French to Danish) - a very controversial book about the Second World War seen from the perspective of an SS-officer (I´ve only read 20 pages so far)..

6. My brother, a veterinarian, just called to tell me he had operated on a rat and removed a malignant tumor in the neck. A pet rat, obviously. Is this confidential information you may ask? No, since the operation was filmed for television release..

7. I am in fact a re-incarnation of the unknown girl Katharina, who spent the summer of 1937 in Salzburg and had an affair with Ezio Pinza in between Don Giovanni performances...

I tag:

1. Annina Teatime and
2. At the lighthouse - These two Danish bloggers (whom I do not know personally) owned a blog with the excellent name Confidential Attachées before they started the above two individual blogs. Their blogging was the direct reason why I started mostly opera, as both ladies were regular commenters on a Danish opera forum and I read their insightful reviews and thought: I want to do that too..

3. Wagner Opera - Per-Erik´s very informative and updated site on all things related to Richard Wagner, which I link to far less than I should..

4. Sounds and Fury - I am sure AC Douglas will hate to be tagged (and quite possibly ignore it altogether, he-he), but I´d nevertheless recommend to take a look at his site, which features music-related posts at a much higher intellectual level that may ever be found here, my blog commenters excepted (no kidding..). And he is both very helpful and informative as well.

5. Pécheurs de Perles - Lyon-based again very helpful and informative opera blogger, without whom I don´t think I would have know much about Juan Diego Florez´whereabouts. Or Natalie Dessay´s.

6. Parsifal - Greek opera blogger, who I am sure does not have time for this tagging business due to the upcoming Athens Rolando Villazon concert..

7. Anna Netrebko - Carlos, the very kind Barcelona-based owner of the Anna Netrebko-blog is the only blog-owner I have (yet) met in person. That alone deserves a tag, I´d say...

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