Saturday 13 December 2008

In distinguished company

I am honoured to find myself in the company of such notabilities as Hartmut Haenchen, Barry Millington, Hans Jürgen Syberberg, Francesca Zambello, Kasper Bech Holten, Iréne Theorin and the likes in having been asked to provide recommendations for 5 Wagner recordings for the website Wagneropera. All the recommendations, including mine, may be seen here.

A rather interesting list, where I took particular notice of the choices of a certain Gramophone reviewer who recently selected Lilliana Nordica´s 1903 MET performance as the greatest Immolation Scene (Götterdämmerung) ever (!). This time, however, he significantly improved on himself, with only 3 (admittedly of 7) choices being obscure/unpublished.

1 comment:

Carlos said...

Well deserved! Congratulations!

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