Monday 15 December 2008

DVD: Salzburg Idomeneo with Harteros, Kozena, Siurina, Vargas

Idomeneo. Salzburg Festival 2006. Production: Ursel and Karl-Ernst Herrmann. Cast: Ramón Vargas (Idomeneo), Magdalena Kozena (Idamante), Ekaterina Siurina (Ilia), Anja Harteros (Elettra). Conductor: Sir Roger Norrington witht the Salzburger Camerata. Further information here.

Ursel and Karl-Ernst Herrmann has created a minimalistic staging using simple, bright colours, in which he stage extends in front of the orchestra. Thus the singers continually circle the stage appearing on all sides of the orchestra located in the middle. These sorts of minimalistic setting obviously leave ample space for the music to shine, however when as loosely directed as seems the case here, they also place great demands on the artists, as they are basically up there, entirely naked.

And in that respect, the protagonists range between fine and excellent.
Magdalena Kozena is vocally ideal as Idamante with her smooth and light, agile mezzo. On stage, however, she seems uncomfortable and her Idamante appears a hyperactive neurotic. Though, who know, he perhaps is a hyperactive neurotic? And in her scenes with Ekaterina Siurinas beautifully sung and stylishly acted Ilia they did appear convincingly in love. Notwithstanding the intrigues from Anja Harteros mightily impressive Elettra, to be heard below in her mad scene. As the only one, Ramón Vargas disappointed somewhat as a rather dry-sounding Idomeneo.

Vivacious accompaniment from Sir Roger Norrington and the Salzburger Camerata.

This is part of the Mozart22 collection, the DVD-recordings of Mozart´s entire operatic output to celebrate the 250th year of his birth at the 2006 Salzburg Festival.

Idamante (Magdalena Kozena), Non ho colpa:

Anja Harteros: D´Oreste, d´Ajace

The bottom line (scale of 1-5, 3=average):

Magdalena Kozena: 4
Ramón Vargas: 3
Anja Harteros: 4-5
Ekaterina Siurina: 5

Ursel and Karl-Ernst Herrmann´s staging: 4

Sir Roger Norrington: 4

Overall impression: 4

Posted by terezqa on YouTube

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